$555 a month

MakeSweet Deluxe


MakeSweet Deluxe

With membership of MakeSweet Deluxe, you receive a license to use the "truly expensive" heart locket animation generator. Any animation you make with the generator is entirely your own, to do with as you will.

The locket in this generator has the words "truly expensive" embossed on its highly polished exterior. The generator produces a refined version of animations made famous by the "my beloved" meme [1], as seen on billboards in Times Square in NYC [2], and on social media everywhere. The original heart locket animation was lovingly hand-crafted in Genoa, Italy by myself, Paul Fitzpatrick, as a Valentine's Day gift for my beloved wife, Noémi.

I encourage you, before purchasing membership, to visit https://makesweet.com/my/heart-locket and verify that the original generator available there works satisfactorily for you on your device. You can expect the same experience with the Deluxe generator. You do not need a membership to use the original generator.

As with many good things in life these days, this idea started as a joke that took on a life of its own [3]. I welcome your decision to purchase membership and participate in the experience. You can be confident that with my years in the trenches providing an online generator service, the "truly expensive" generator will be available when you need it. I also have a PhD in AI from MIT [4], have created at least one language for communicating with extra-terrestrials [5], and was for a time a goat herder in Ireland. So whatever the problem, be it goats, space goats, or artificially intelligent space goats, you can be sure I'll deal with it.

Membership is monthly. If you and your descendants pay for it indefinitely, the price will eventually exceed any reasonable number, an essential characteristic to merit the coveted "truly expensive" label. You can of course cancel at any time (but where is the fun in that?).

[1] https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-beloved

[2] https://makesweet.com/blog/2021/05/05/as-featured-in-times-square/

[3] https://twitter.com/mkswt/status/1652471813669101568

[4] https://people.csail.mit.edu/paulfitz/images/point-doctor.jpg

[5] https://cosmicos.github.io/

P.S. if you've read this far and really like the idea but don't actually have the funds to join in (or are a sane responsible person), https://makesweet.com/my/dear-heart is for you - everything the same except the word "truly" is omitted.


You'll get a license to use the "truly expensive" heart locket animation generator.

Words "truly expensive"
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